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"Keen insights into so many things"

There is one thing that has stuck with me ever since I took Professor Lowi’s course on Congress at Cornell in the spring of 1966. You will find it on page 34 of his book (and doctoral dissertation), At the Pleasure of the Mayor (Free Press of Glencoe,1964). It is this title of a section about the social origins of political executives,  "Melting Pot or Tossed Salad?"

I have always believed that Professor Lowi was describing more than New York City’s politics. He was describing politics in the entire United States. We think of ourselves as a melting pot, but the ethnic and religious factors still weigh heavily in our society, particularly in appointments and nominations. When you look at American society, you can see that even though there has been some “melting,” there are still very distinguishable characteristics of groups in society, and these characteristics affect our politics.

Professor Lowi had keen insights into so many things, and was able to convey them to undergraduates as well as graduates in a way that made those insights last in your mind.  I know Cornell and the entire political science profession will miss him.

Richard D. Lieberman

College of Arts and Sciences

Cornell Class of 1967

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