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“Wow! That guy is cool!”

I received my AB from Cornell in 1976, where I double-majored in Government and Law & Society, the latter being an independent major. Although Professor Lowi ended up being my faculty advisor for the Government major, I never had much contact with him, seeing him in his office only once or twice. (I guess I thought that I did not need much advice.) But I did take his introductory American Government & Politics course -- Government 101 at the time -- during my first semester at Cornell, in the fall of 1972.

He was, of course, an excellent teacher. But my lasting memory of that course -- and of Ted -- occurred on its last day. At the end of the final day’s lecture, the class broke into applause (naturally). However, unlike some other professors who might stand there basking in the adulation, Ted promptly made for the exit from the Uris Hall classroom where the class met. As he passed the TAs sitting in the front row, one of them tossed Ted’s coat to him. Without breaking stride, Ted caught the coat and walked out of the classroom, as the applause continued. I don’t know whether that move had been choreographed in advance, but I remember thinking at the time, “Wow! That guy is cool!”

Michael Gary Hilf

College of Arts and Sciences

Cornell Class of 1976

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