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"Intellectual powerhouse"

My favorite Ted Lowi story is when Pat Moynihan, fresh off several prestigious White House appointments, Harvard, and the UN...

“From the first class on I was hooked”

My first memory of [Professor Lowi] is from Government 111, which was the Intro to American Politics class. This would have been Fall of...

“He pointed his finger at me”

In 1960 or early 1961, I was standing [in] a crowded corridor outside my advisor’s door, opposite the office of a young Professor Lowi...

“My debt to this man was and is profound”

I was a student of Ted’s during the disco era (that would be the late 1970s). Apropos to the times, one imagined his closet bar groaning...

"Convinced me to be a government major"

I took Ted’s intro to American Government course as a freshman. It was the fall of 1976 and a presidential election campaign was...

"The S.O.B. voted twice"

Interested in becoming an urban planner, I applied to some colleges as a political science major and some as an engineering major. At...

"Truly, he was a whirlwind of activity"

I was a Government major at Cornell in the late 1980s, and I took one class with Professor Lowi. It was a small class for upperclassmen,...

"Toilet Bowl Theory"

It was Professor Lowi’s introductory class that helped solidify my choice of the American Government major with a concentration in...

"A dynamic, brilliant teacher"

I was a Geology major in Arts and Sciences when I had the privilege to take a freshman government class with Professor Lowi. He had just...

"Someone I will always admire"

My relationship with Ted Lowi spans almost half a century. I babysat for Angèle and Ted’s darling children when I was a college student...

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